USMLE Announces Prometric Closures Due to COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
The USMLE just recently announced that all prometric testing centers in the US and Canada will be closed for 30 days starting March 18th due to the coronavirus (COVID-19), so no one will be able to take any USMLE Step tests during this time. Anyone who was scheduled to test a USMLE test during the closure will have to reschedule. If you are taking the test outside of the US/Canada, you will have to go to the Prometric website to see if your specific testing center is closed.
The USMLE also announced that eligibility windows will automatically be extended, so you need not worry if you were pushing the edge of your eligibility window when scheduling for your Step test.
The silver lining from the closures is that you can have more time to study for it! Yeah! If you are studying for Step 3, 25% of your grade is from the CCS Portion of your test. Going through real simulated cases during this time of quarantine will help you be prepared for the CCS portion of Step 3. If you’d like to try out our product first before making a decision, try two free CCS cases located here.
Stay safe out there! Spend some of you free time studying for the test to take your mind off the chaos going on in the world.
Thanks for reading.