We have a Step 3 CCS product that will meet your highest expectations for studying for the USMLE Step 3 CCS portion of the test. It has all the features that you would be looking for including a fully interactive software, 20,000 orders (just like in the real test), interactive grading based on your orders/responses, a reasonable fee, with over 140 Step 3 CCS cases. We would ask that you take a look at our Step 3 CCS cases and download the trial version our our Step 3 CCS cases here.
Study for the Step 3 CCS with over 100 Step 3 CCS Cases with interactive grading/feedback for the Mac/PC
Notice that our Step 3 Product looks nearly identical to the real test. This is to get you familiar with the format so that on test day you will be comfortable and perform well on the Step 3 CCS portion of the exam. You will learn when to perform a physical exam, what diagnostic tests to run, what treatment options to perform, and appropriate preventative orders at the end of the case. This is a comprehensive Step 3 CCS test preparation software that will fully prepare you for the real Step 3 test.
Go ahead and check out our Step 3 test preparation material by going to our “Try It” page and downloading the Step 3 test preparation trial version which contain 2 free and fully functional cases. You can purchase the full version to have access all of our 140 Step 3 Cases to study and master the Step 3 portion of the exam, so you can do well on test day. We are sure that you will find that our product is more more thorough and complete and is a better value than our competition in particular UWorld which does not offer grading and interactive feedback.
Many people have tried and loved our CCS software simulator. The great thing about our software is that you can try a full version of the product with 2 cases prior to purchasing our product. We feel that you will know exactly what you will be getting before you decide to buy. In order to do this, simply click here and you can download the CCS software simulator for the PC or MAC