We tried really hard to make the January 1, 2021 deadline. We were working 80 hour weeks, but we keep getting caught up in adding new features. “What if we added this to the program…” is to blame for the delayed release. On paper it sounded easy, but the features turned out to be more complex than anticipated. One of the new features that can be blamed for the delay in release is the save incomplete cases and restore incomplete cases feature. For example, if you exit a case in the middle because you got interrupted or you accidentally refreshed the browser or whatever, your progress will be saved, and you have the option to start where you left off).
The other feature was selecting and ordering multiple orders in the order menu. We also had to refine features like High Yield (to be a voting system for which cases is most liked by students – in the future when enough customers have voted, the ability to sort and group by High Yield will be available). We also were busy adding new cases (4 cases were added – we went ahead and released them to the Desktop version early).
Enough excuses. We apologize for some customers who have been patiently awaiting for the online version. You can try it out free by signing up for our demo here.
We hope you like it. It took a lot of work!