There are many different strategies out there for preparing for the USMLE Step 3. Our advice, although biased, is fairly simple. For the multiple choice part of the test, you choose the Qbank of your choice and study for that portion, and for the CCS portion of the test, you use and study with 140 different cases that are most likely to be seen on the exam. The formula for success on the CCS portion is to practice, practice, and practice with actual cases on a real simulation, not just reading books. The software takes some getting used to, so it is imperative that you become very familiar with the software so that it doesn't impede your performance on test day.
Some people fail the CCS portion simply because they don't understand how to use the software! It's incredible that they don't take the time to learn how to use the software before the test, but then they spend hundreds of hours studying for the multiple choice portion of the test. A lot of people do not understand how to submit an order, confirm an order, move a patient to the correct location, and a lot of people don't understand how to ADVANCE THE CLOCK! These strategies are essential for preparing for the USMLE Step 3.
We have had many, many articles and even a video on how to advance the clock, and this is still the most common mistake. The concept of real time and virtual time blows their mind. However, once you've done 20 cases, it makes sense, and this will not be an issue for you on test day. With that out of the way, you can focus on the content and how to diagnose and treat cases, so you can do great on test day.
We recommend that you try out our free 2 cases located here. Try them out.