Learning how to master the USMLE Step 3 CCS (commonly misspelled as USMLE Step 3 CSS) is an important piece of being able to pass/excel in the Step 3 exam. As the CCS Cases portion on the exam is roughly 25% of your total grade for the 2 day test, this is not a portion of the test that you should ignore as this can be the difference between passing and failing and having to retake a 2-day test.
There are some good resources out there that can be helpful and provide good information for managing clinical cases. However, if you have not practiced using a real-time simulator, then you may struggle on test day learning to navigate the software and to understand how it works. The USMLE provides 6 cases for you to study, but most find this insufficient amount of material to be able to master the USMLE Step 3 CCS. Many people are unaware of the nuances of the program such as: how to order; how to advance time; patient updates; ordering a physical exam; importance of preventative care; the meaning of when the case ends before the maximum allowable time, and more.
You can read about these things, but until you actually practice on real software, it is likely that you will not fully understand how the program works, and you definitely do not want to try to “figure it out” during test day. You are already strapped for time, so learning how to navigate the software should be the least of your problems. In addition to helping learn how the real test day works, the program will also teach you good clinical skills on how to diagnose and treat 101 different clinical scenarios which will prepare you for test day.
Try our program out by clicking here and try out two free cases.