A frequently asked question is how many cases are there in the USMLE Step 3 exam?
The answer is 13 cases. Each case will have an maximum of 10 or 20 minutes of real time (not be to confused with the virtual time which can be weeks). If you are confused about the virtual time versus the real time, try our trial version to get the hang of it. You have to advance the clock to “make things happen” like get test results or administer treatment.
Prior to starting the CCS cases, there is a 7 minute tutorial if you actually choose to participate in that. We recommend that you become so familiar with the CCS cases and software that you do not need to look at the tutorial.
13 cases may not seem like that many, but it can add up. It can get exhausting doing case after case and not get bogged down and make silly mistakes and forget to order certain tests. We recommend that you increase your endurance by practicing doing many cases at once. Practicing doing one case at a time when your mind is fresh is unlikely to simulate the experience that you will have on the real test day.
We have 140 cases to practice from. The cases have time limits of 10 minutes or 20 minutes just like in the real test. If you would like to practice without a time limit, you have the option to do that as well.
We recommend that you try our trial version with 2 free cases before you decide if our product will work for you. You can download it here.
We hoped this answered your question about how many CCS cases in step 3. Take a look at our FAQ for questions about our product.