Exciting Announcement: New Online Version in Beta Testing!
Oct 24, 2020
Over the years, we have had many customers express their desire to have CCSCases.com available on a more wide array of devices. We have been working hard over the last six months and are pleased to announce our new online version, now in beta-testing. This will be part of a subscription model, and the user will be able to use the program on pretty much most modern devices. It will work on chrome books, iPads (iOS 11+), iPhones (iOS 11+), Android phones/devices, Linux, Windows, Mac computers. Pretty much any device with a modern browser. Browsers that have been tested that work well are Chrome, Safari, Edge, Firefox.
We have done extensive testing, and the program should work well, but we would like to do a couple months of beta-testing (pre-release testing) with our customers who would like to participate. Those who are eligible to participate, you can e-mail us at info@ccscases.com, and we can set you up with an account.
Eligible customers to participate in the beta-testing (free):
1. Recent customer within the last 3 months
2. Has a home internet (not business) to test. The beta version will be limited to test on their home internet ip address.
3. Willing to give us feedback and report if they come across any issues.