Effective immediately, we have decided to change our policy regarding support. We did not think this would be a problem, but it has become an issue. We are getting customers from two and even three years from the time of purchase asking for support for the program. The typical time between starting studying for step 3 and taking the step 3 test is typically 6 months. The number of people asking for support for the product even after 2 years has been increasing. After some investigation into this matter, we have concluded that the majority of this is due to abuse of our policy. We have decided to no longer offer any support for the program after 2 years from the date of purchase. If the customer’s computer is still functioning, the program will work correctly for the life of the computer even after 2 years, but we will no longer support any purchases after a 2 year period. We feel that this is a more than generous time period.
This post if for those who have purchased the program prior to Jan 1, 2021. For those who have purchased the desktop version of the program Jan 1, 2021 and after, will have support for the program for 1 year. The program will continue to work on the original computer installed after the 1 year period. If there were any one-time transfers during the one year period, the program would expire after a year from the time of purchase.