We would like you to compare our product to Archer CCS. First Archer CCS does not have a real time simulator. They have videos which go through high yield cases. They also have some courses which teach you Strategies which is considered a workshop. The difference between Archer CCS and our product is that instead of lecturing you on how to do something, our product lets you actually practice and do a case and then give you feedback.
This strategy is way more effective at teaching for the CCS test than to just explain how to do something. Again, going over the cases and reviewing what was done right and what was done wrong is the best way to study for the CCS Cases portion of the test. Lets give an analogy of teaching a person how to swim. You can discuss how it’s important to hold your breath and teach some basic swimming strokes. The fact of the matter is that person will never learn how to swim no matter how many times you lecture him on the strategies of swimming unless that person goes into the water and attempts to swim.
Likewise, the same is true about the ccs portion of the test. You have to learn how to master the CCS portion of the test by doing live cases (i.e. swimming) instead of being lectured on the strategies on what should be done. You can practice with a program that is near identical to the real test. Strategies will be taught and proper ordering practices. This is all done at the end of the case going over strengths and weaknesses and strategies for mastering that particular case. Go ahead and actually learn to swim instead of being lectured on how to swim by doing real cases and learn to master it by doing rather than watching. Download our trial version here.